Shop Talk: Do Over?

As dealers, this is your chance to call for a do over. Many of you have been without a sales staff for a month or more. Time allows for new ideas and I hope you have some.

Keeping Your Digital Dealership Open

In some states, dealerships are closed because they are “non-essential” businesses. So, it only makes sense that you look to change how you currently do business and focus more on your digital storefront.

PODCAST: Online Courses for Dealers Available During COVID-19

“While dealerships are closed, there should be some things that we could do to help them get better for when things do come back, because they’re going to come back.”

How to Reach Customers During the Pandemic

With the necessity of social distancing and the rise of businesses closing to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, powersports dealerships are struggling. As a result, finding alternative ways to reach customers will be a necessity due to the uncertainty of how long the pandemic restrictions will last.

Shop Talk: Just Push Play

A great actor becomes the character. Yet salespeople lack that desire to be natural. Instead, they make up a new definition of what natural is. Natural to many means; the ability to do it their way.

It’s Hard to Dig the Well When You Are Already Thirsty

While I believe this economic downturn will not be as severe as 2008 for a lot of reasons and, even though it will be a much shorter recovery, we will have a downturn none the less.

Communicate What Your Guests Want

Making sales come a little easier in a perceived commodity-based industry can be a struggle. Yet, I am a firm believer that anyone can be sold on any given day with the right person delivering the right message.

PODCAST: Superstar Employees

Some of you may have a “superstar” selling for you. But, are they really? Can they perform month after month? Most importantly, a quality of world class athletes, do they make the team better by being part of it?

Shop Talk: Superstar?

Some of you may have a “superstar” selling for you. But, are they really? Can they perform month after month? Most importantly, a quality of world class athletes, do they make the team better by being part of it?

PODCAST: Dealership Resolutions

How do you keep your dealership on track for the year you want to have, even though none of us can really predict what kind of year is ahead?

Celebrity Status: Improving the Customer Experience & Follow-Up

In order to improve their customer outreach, Harley-Davidson of Glendale took steps to improve their customer service, starting behind the scenes with their management and sales team by adding new technology, specifically PSXDigital’s AI-powered customer experience management platform.

Software and Technology: What Dealers Should Know Before Installation

For software to be able to live up to user expectations and value, the dealership needs to find a recipe for success. Dealers must be sure that the right people are trained and committed to using the software for it to work.