Centrifugal Clutch for Mini Bikes, Other Automatic Transmissions

The simple centrifugal clutch used on many karts (and mini-bikes) is essentially an automatic transmission that is activated by the increased rpm of the engine.

Rick Fairless Day? You’re Kidding, Right?

Hey Ma, I have some pretty big news, our home town, the city of Irving, Texas, issued a proclamation declaring March 26, 2016 ­Rick Fairless Day! I was absolutely blown away at receiving such an honor!

What Would You Have Done?

[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ey ya’ll, after owning my own shop for 20 years I thought I had solved almost every problem there is to solve… Well, I was wrong. Every Saturday and Sunday we get around 1,000 bikes that pass through our doors. They come hang out at my 2.5-acre compound and they drink a little beer, eat

March Wholesale Pricing In Review

If the spring season so far is any indication, then 2016 is going to be a good year for powersports. The wholesale market in March was dominated by two clear trends: 1. Stronger wholesale pricing over the prior three months, and 2. Softer wholesale pricing compared to March the prior year, which is due to

I’d Rather Eat A June Bug Sandwich

The best thing about being in the motorcycle industry, at least for me, is absolutely my love and passion for motorcycles, and being able to make a living doing something I love. Ever since I was an ugly kid, I was nuts about motorcycles.

Something Old, Something Borrowed

In the real world not everyone can afford to pony up the dough for a brand new motorcycle. However, powersports dealers nationwide have been putting more and more emphasis on used vehicle sales, offering consumers an option for a great quality motorcycle or powersport unit at a lower price point. This is where powersports auctions come into play.

February AWP Shifts Up from January

February Average Wholesale Pricing (AWP) trended up nicely from January for all major product categories, which is typical spring season behavior. Interestingly, average prices were also below last February’s levels for most categories, which seems contradictory but in reality is not.

January 2016 Average Wholesale Pricing in Review

The outlook for 2016 looks steady [dropcap]J[/dropcap]anuary’s Average Wholesale Pricing (AWP) mirrored December’s performance. Compared to the prior 3-month average, prices were flat for all street categories except for metric cruisers, which declined due to product mix. Off-road categories were down slightly from the prior 3-month average and were roughly even with last year. Compared

Passion AND Work Ethic

Lessons from a motivational speaker [dropcap]H[/dropcap]ey ya’ll, did you know that I am a Motivational Speaker? I have lectured at TCU, DePauw University and to many companies. Listen, I know what you’re thinking, what the heck could this long haired motorcycle goon possibly have to talk about that would motivate anybody? The only story I

December Wholesale Pricing in Review

Average Wholesale Pricing (AWP) improved overall in December. Prices rose for all street categories other than sport bikes over the prior 3-month average.

Custom Built Bikes, Writing & Words That Ain’t Really Words!

[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ey ya’ll, please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Rick Fairless, I am born and raised in Dallas and I am very proud to be a new columnist for MPN. I have been a reading MPN for many years and I have always enjoyed the magazine. I have been riding motorcycles for more

November In Review

November Average Wholesale Pricing (AWP) remained stable overall with some variance by vehicle category. Compared to the prior 3-month average most categories were stable, with a notable AWP increase in side-by-sides due to a more expensive product mix as well as a drop in snowmobile AWP due to a liquidation of older units.