Shop Talk: Average Is Expensive

The average expectation from dealers has been steadily decreasing. While I can’t put my finger on specific reasons, I have some theories and ultimately, some concerns for the future.

Shop Talk: Let’s Review

While speed and accuracy can certainly improve performance, it can also lead to missing opportunities.

Shop Talk: Dead Wood Doesn’t Burn

What about your staff? Are they dried wood or dead wood? Are they tempered for the task and able to burn hot for a long period of time or have they decided to serve the rest of their time living in their former glory?

Shop Talk: As Loyal as a Puppy

While I don’t know the difference between HTML and hamburger, I can tell you that there is software on the market that is less expensive than what you’re using now.

Shop Talk: If The Sky Is Falling – Stock More Helmets and Fewer Convertibles

As you look around your operation, what can you do that’s either innovative or more cost effective?

Shop Talk: 21st Century Selling

If you want a different outcome in anything, you have to make changes. If you want to increase sales, you have to change the way you sell.

Shop Talk: Do I Have To Work For It?

When you get into a dealership, provide solutions for all the issues, the one question dealers and managers continue to ask, “Do I have to work for it?”

Shop Talk: Is Your Trainer King Kong?

If your dealership needs new sales people hired, and you bring in a training company who requires the student to pay, what can you expect for results?

F&I Shop Talk: Turning a Profit Isn’t a Crime… Perhaps

I’ve learned in dealing with powersport dealers that they resent being compared to auto dealers. I could respect that. Until this past trip. I’ll change the names and locations but leave the details intact.