Dealing With The “Verts”

How to identify which personality type you’re dealing with – introvert or extrovert – and change your sales method accordingly.

Dazed And Confused

Robin examines the epidemic of vintage bike fever in the marketplace.


What’s in it for me? — the central theme in the agenda of every customer who has ever had to make a buying decision.

The Brother-In-Law Syndrome II

Why being right isn’t enough… and why Machiavelli wasn’t all bad.

Tomorrow May Rain, So Today I’ll Follow The Sun

Rain is inevitable… riders have to be prepared to make a bad situation as good as possible. Proper rain gear is the answer.

Sales Department Presentation/Demonstration

Dr. Nikki teaches how to build value by providing the customer with key features and benefits.

A Failure To Communicate

Blogs, flogs, MySpace friends, podcasts … Robin wades into techno-territory.

The Brother-In-Law Syndrome

Change your definition of “dealership politics” and become more politically savvy.

In-Store Travel Guide

Establish your dealership as touring-friendly… you will meet a need in your motorcycling community and sell more stuff.

Work Habits

Dr. Nikki discusses smart work habits to bolster your dealership’s closing ratios.

Pre-Paid Maintenance

The risks and rewards of selling pre-paid maintenance packages.

Relative Vs. Absolute

Maybe running a successful dealership really is rocket science?