Mahindra Opens New Facility in Michigan

The new facility will produce an off-highway vehicle that will extend Mahindra’s current position in this growing segment. The company gave the media a teaser of the new vehicle that was covered up with a tarp as they unveiled the brand name, which will be called ROXOR.

FlatOut Motorsports

Conventional wisdom in retail today warns of difficult times and constant challenges. Experts predict even more dire consequences for product-specific brick and mortar outlets such as, say, motorcycle shops.

Flying Tiger Motorcycles, St. Louis

Planning is Overrated Some businesses follow a well-defined, meticulously detailed plan, taking measured steps that lead to expected goals. Flying Tiger Motorcycles in the St. Louis suburb of Maplewood, isn’t one of them. But success has followed anyway and that’s impressive for an independent motorcycle shop born on a whim in 2010 and sustained on

Skidmark Garage

Working With Community Shops Here you are, once again facing a common situation: a customer is in your shop, asking for a repair job. Problem is, his bike is a 1981 model. It is running but making expensive noises. What do you do? (1) Tell the customer you don’t work on anything more than 20

Irv Seaver Motorcycles

Customers as Friends and Family There are at least 50 bikes parked in the driveway. Many are new, some are old, mostly they are BMWs but some other brands also are thrown into the mix. The doors to the dealership are open, a hundred conversations about bikes are taking place and the man behind the

Revival Cycles

Alan Stulberg was five years old when he got his first motorcycle. He says he was “obsessed with it.” He learned to work on bikes, and repaired motorcycles as a side job while he was going to school and getting jobs in technology and sales.

Passion Makes Perfect at Indian Motorcycle Charlotte

Mark Moses is a man who stands out in a crowd. Clearly marching to the beat of his own drum, the owner and general manager of Indian Motorcycle Charlotte is not only committed to outrageously high standards of customer service, but also crafting his customers’ experience in his own image.

Southwest Superbikes: Wins The Auction Game

When playing Texas Hold ‘Em poker, a player is dealt two “hole” cards face down, then there is a round of betting where you can check, bet or fold. When all the betting has finished, three shared cards are dealt face up in the middle of the table. More betting, bluffing and BS take place

Babbitt’s Online

For some time, Babbitt’s has been a major player on the Arenacross circuit, with Team Babbitt’s Gavin Faith earning the No. 1 plate in 2016. His teammates, Travis Sewell and Jacob Hayes, are cleaning up at stadiums nationwide. When not at the track, the online arm of Babbitt’s sells OEM parts and accessories, as well

Cernic’s Cycle World

The fans are out of their seats screaming. It’s the last lap and the two frontrunners are swapping the lead like madmen. Round the last turn, taking some air on a whoop, the checkered flag is just ahead… and the guy with the Cernic’s decal wins by a wheel. Although this is only an amateur

Music City Indian / Victory Motorcycles

Most people go on Yelp to complain. It is really hard to get people to post compliments about a business online, but Music City Indian and Victory, located in Nashville, Tenn., home of the guitar picking, strumming and twanging Nashville Cats, has done it. Music City has managed, despite the odds, to get a five-star

Answering the Industry’s Most Frequently Asked Question

[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ow many unit sales should a dealership get from the traffic it saw last month? That question has been the single most difficult puzzle for dealership owners and general managers to solve in the motorcycle industry. Unfortunately for many, it remains a mystery, meaning dealerships are making critical business decisions, like staffing levels and unit