You Owe Me Another One!

Six more ways to effectively leverage the law of reciprocity and improve just about every dimension of dealership life.

He Wants One . . .

Help your customers pick out what they want and show them how to take it home.

Yeah, And You Owe Me One!

Five ways to effectively leverage the law of reciprocity and improve just about every dimension of dealership life.

Damn The Critics, Go Sell Something!

Robin predicts rising gas prices will boost the commuter-based scooter market.


Is Harley-Davidson’s bloom fading? Are consumers deciding to wait? Are there simply too many choices?

The Road Less Traveled

Offer customers information and ideas to maximize their riding fun while minimizing wasted miles.

Staffing Issues

Are you appropriately staffed? The BOC offers guidelines and indicators to help you make staffing decisions.

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Film

A photography seminar is an ideal way to attract riders to your store.

Brother-In-Law Syndrome III

Want to get things done in your dealership? Making your great ideas a reality is an art form.

Dressed For Thrills

Sportbike Gear Guide — Photos by Joe Bonnello

Dazed And Confused

Robin examines the epidemic of vintage bike fever in the marketplace.

Tomorrow May Rain, So Today I’ll Follow The Sun

Rain is inevitable… riders have to be prepared to make a bad situation as good as possible. Proper rain gear is the answer.

The Brother-In-Law Syndrome II

Why being right isn’t enough… and why Machiavelli wasn’t all bad.


What’s in it for me? — the central theme in the agenda of every customer who has ever had to make a buying decision.

A Failure To Communicate

Blogs, flogs, MySpace friends, podcasts … Robin wades into techno-territory.

Relative Vs. Absolute

Maybe running a successful dealership really is rocket science?